Books & Beanies: Episodes 4-6

Episode 4: Beast Boy (Teen Titans), Kami Garcia Star Rating: 4, Genre: Graphic Novel (chosen for hat color) and Science Fiction, Age Level: YA... This was a pretty solid read and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, since Beast Boy is one of my least favorite characters. I like this take on him, though. Seeing a fresh makeover of his origin story is nice and I hope we get to see Tank and Stella in future stories. I’m also eager to see what Wilson an H.I.V.E. are up to. Episode 5: Mismatch, Lovematch, Megan Derr Star Rating: 5, Genre: Urban Fantasy, brief High Fantasy elements, and LGBTQ romance, Age Level: YA... I went into this book expecting a cozy paranormal romance...what I found was much more. This went beyond that. Though it does have paranormal romance elements, this is an urban fantasy story with a high fantasy base. The author has had experience in multiple fantasy genres, including RPGs. I'm hoping she writes more books like thi...