Books & Beanies: Episode 3
Episode 3: Girl Squads: 20 Female Friendships That Changed History
Star Rating: 4, Genre: Nonfiction/Women's Literature, Age Level: YA+ (Most likely would be enjoyed by adults but suitable for anyone middle-grade and up)...This book is more of a 3.5 but I’ll round up. It’s easy to forget how far we’ve come as women when you’re a white woman in America. This book is a reminder of not only how far women as a whole have come but how far we still need to go. My favorite portion was the story about Ann Bonny and Mary Reed, but I weep for my Middle Eastern sisters. I knew from a former student that some women across the sea still have little rites, but I wasn’t aware just how bad it still is. I mean, when Trump was being elected President a woman was fighting for her right to play music? Wtf! That is sooo wrong.
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