Shelf Life: Episode 1

I've toned down the number of reviews I've been posting in my reader group and on my social media pages. Some months I read nonstop and others it's only once every couple of weeks. This led to inconsistency in my review posting and ultimately clogged up my social feeds with reviews that my readers weren't interacting with. In order to solve this problem, I'm starting a new series on this blog. Shelf Life will be a monthly episode posted at the end of each month. It will contain all the books I reviewed during the month and links to them for interested readers. I'll also include my "Now-Next-Later", where I'll list the three books I have lined up to read. My reading goal for 2023 is 150 books. In January I read a total of 8 books, most of which were YA, as I am attempting to consume more YA, New Adult, and Juvenile books this year. I'll be reading way fewer adult books in order to reconnect with my target audience. Being a YA and mid...