From Contemporary to Supernatural: Exploring Genres and Hybrid Publishing with Herrmann

Choosing a genre to write isn't as much of a struggle as it might look. Most authors stumble upon their preferred writing genre while being readers or while studying their trade. You tend to write what you love to read. It all goes back to that cliche saying, "write what you know". Writing what you know is sometimes a safety net, however, and authors have to branch out of their comfort zone if they want to grow and develop their skills. Author Gloria Herrmann primarily writes contemporary romance but has left her comfort zone to explore the supernatural and the world of children's literature. "Up until recently, I wrote contemporary romance for adults," remarked Herrmann. "I had been in talks about starting a children's line of books a while back. I tinkered with writing some stories loosely based on my pugs. I have finally connected with some possible illustrators who can bring these books to life. So, I'm excited to have some neat stuf...