Advent Day 6: Circle of Time

Welcome to Day 6 of the 2024 Advent season. We authors have gathered to give you 31 days of cheer. Each day, check back in here to grab a free book through December 31st. Let’s ring in the winter holiday season with good books. Day 6’s book is Circle of Time, by Riverr Ravenzwood Well, well, well. I shouldn't have been surprised, really. My instincts have been screaming at me for a while. But I happily ignored it. Despite having been trained all my life to pay attention to my feelings and observe my surroundings, the reality of what is actually happening still comes as a shock. And I have a feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg. As things unravel and I find myself a part of a super-duper secret society, there are way too many dots to connect. Gods? Other worlds? Missing treasure? Only, that treasure isn't a thing. It's a person. A real person. Cue eye roll here. Oh, there is also the thing about finding a miss...