What's in a Name? - Finding the Perfect Name for Your Characters, Places, and Monuments
I’m not a mom of human children. I have two fur babies, a black cat named Spook and an orange cat named Tarot, but my inboxes are filled to the brim with new mom emails and coupons I’ll never use. Why? Because I frequent baby name sites. Character crafting is an artform within an artform. You have to craft a character to craft a story, but picking a name can be a painful process. I’ve found in my writing journey that character names develop one of two ways for me. Firstly, I sometimes hear a name and instantly a character forms inside my mind as if just by speaking the name they were spoken into existence. Secondly, the character starts as a faceless mannequin and I have to paint on the features myself. Most often than not, my characters form by the second method. This means I have to search for names because the characters didn’t come to me with one like a big brand doll. Baby name sites are a wonderful resource for us writers. You c...