Writing Multi-Genres with Gillian

Our March author spotlight is a lovely lady who writes multiple genres under four different names. Brandi Gillian is most known for her romance stories, but she also writes gay romance, horror, thriller, and young adult. "I write under several names. Brandi Gillian, Faolan Kurayami, Rayne Cross, and B.G. Loree," stated Gillian. "Brandi Gillian is my real name. Faolan Kurayami and Rayne Cross are pen names, and B.G. Loree is a play on my real name." When Gillian entered the publishing world, she used her alter ego Kuryami. She started as a gay romance author and branched out into other genres over time. Gillian explained, "I started writing as Faolan Kurayami over 10 years ago as a gay romance author. At the time, a lot of the authors or writers I knew used pen names. It was for privacy. So, I came up with Faolan Kurayami. I started Rayne Cross a little over a year ago because with Rayne I can write creepy, scary, and horror, and not have romance a...