The Woman Behind the Words: W.A. Ashes Author Spotlight

This is a little odd for me to be writing, but people have been reminding me to do an author spotlight on myself. They believe I should subject myself to the same questioning as our other spotlighted authors and talk a little about my works. Considering that I can't remember the last time I did an introduction post of some kind (outside of book release parties), they have a valid point. Most of you know me as W.A. Ashes, which is my pen name, but some of you know me as Ashley or Ashes. I used to hide my true identity behind my pen name, but I no longer care. Originally it was a way to keep my personal life separated from my writing because people who knew me didn't want to read my books. At thirty years old, I no longer care. People who pass by me on the streets can choose whether to read my books or not. It's not going to break my heart. Nowadays, my pen name is kept simply because my fan base and other authors know me as W.A. Ashes. Plus, it is nice to...