Necessary Murder: Saving your Stories by Killing Your Darlings

There's a quote that all writers know but seldom are aware of who coined it. The phrase has been contributed to so many authors at this point that I'm not even going to try to credit the original sayer. However, Stephen King once said, "Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric scribbler's heart, kill your darlings". Kill your darlings...Ouch... Seems harsh, right? I loathe killing darlings. In case you are new to the writing scene and are unaware of what darlings refer to, darlings are the small, insignificant, beautifully written scenes that writers ultimately fall in love with despite them having no real effect on their story. Some might call these fillers. As popular killing darlings are, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I love them so much. Darlings, to me, are like the little moments in life. They may seem inconsequential, but they have the power to lift or c...