Dead Boys and the Heart Problems They Cause

Dead boys are such wonderful things, and I don't mean that in a serial killer or necrophilia kind of way. Dead boys, meaning the boys inside books that readers cannot help but fall in love with (whether they be ghosts, vampires, or mortals) are the safest form of romance that exists. Rue Volley sums it up nicely in her book, The Dead Boy's Club when Harper (the main character) says that she prefers dead boys because they are controllable. A book is inanimate, even though it possesses the power to control our emotions. It is a way to experience life without the heartache that comes with it. Dead boys are easy to love. The whole point of literature is to form a strong emotional bond between reader and character. It's easy to fall in love with someone you know doesn't come with risk or the tangles of reality. Someone who ceases to exist the moment you close the book. Those boys aren't wandering around asking for attention, they are waiting pa...